It was on a hot summer day during lunch time that I did my first real urban sketching. I picked one of the most impressing and oldest buildings in Vienna: St. Rupert’s Church. I needed two attempts before this sketch turned out. I run out of space, proportions and angles gave me hard time and it was awfully uncomfortable standing in the sun. Nevertheless I was extremely proud. (Colouring was done at home. My lunch break wasn’t long enough.)

Lamy Safari EF, Rohrers Traditional Ink Ceresblack, WN Water Colour, trav.e.logue Sketchbook
A few days later I went sketching again. The lighthouse on the Danube Island was part of the stage decoration for the production of The Flying Dutchman in Bregenz in 1989/90.

Lamy Safari EF, Rohrers Traditional Ink Ceresblack, WN Watercolour, Hahnemühle Watercolor Book 200g
This time I did the colouring on location, too. I had just received my new brushes from Rosemary’s and was excited to test them. As much as I enjoyed sketching I realised the difficulties I have with angels and proportions. It was obvious: I needed some help.